Warmly Celebrate the Successful IPO of NeoDynamics AB
time:2018-12-11 source:EASTWINbrowse:139
From the left: Prof. Xu Xiaojun, Ingrid Salén(Chairman of the Board), Anna Eriksrud (CEO), Magnus Olsen(CTO), Jörgen Vrenning (CFO), Gunilla Almqvist(S&M Director)
NeoDynamics is a high-tech medical device company engaged in the research and production of cancer diagnostic equipment, located in Stockholm, Sweden. The company was established by transforming the scientific research results of the world-renowned Karolinska Institute in Sweden. The company has independently developed its NeoNavia Biopsy System, an early detection biopsy system for breast cancer with full intellectual property rights, which has passed the EU Certification in 2016 and has been clinically tested and applied in many famous hospitals and breast cancer research centersin Europe. It has been also widely welcomed by clinicians due to the use of unique Micro-pulse technology. NeoNavia gives significant improvements in sampling accuracy, controllability, sample quantity and easy operation over existing products. During the course of clinical trials, the NeoNavia Biopsysystem was also found to possess a unique advantage in lymph node biopsy and is undergoing clinical trials starting 2018.

For further expanding the product usable range, meeting market demand and reducing production costs, NeoDynamics has developed the second generation product NeoNavia biopsy system. This second generation product will provide doctors with a range of different biopsy needles, all using Micro-pulses. The second generation product is expected to be launched in Europe in the fourth quarter of 2019. The company also plans to apply certification in US and China.

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